Monday, December 06, 2010

First day working for the new boss

Here's the view from my new office window this morning:

I like my new office. It's very homely.

It's been snowing for over a week now. My last week at work was defined by the worst November weather since the year I was born. And my last trip to Keyworth was cancelled because of the snow. While it's a pity I didn't get to say goodbye to the folk I'd worked with for the last ten years, I didn't lose sleep over it. I'm already in touch with the folk I want to stay in contact with; I have a list of folk I'll contact when Union is closer to opening, and the rest can face into the mists of memory. I think the mists of memory might be something like London Peculiars - sudden, impenetrable and dense. I appear to have assimilated the fact that I'm not going back remarkably quickly, and although it's less than a week since I walked out the door (humming 'The Good, The Bad and The Ugly, for which I blame Kev Becken), already it feels like another lifetime.

I took a few days holiday last week. It was great. Off into town to buy myself some warm clothes for homeworking in - feels weird explaining this, but for the last ten years I've gone to work looking smart, in skirt-based work-clothes. If I do the cliched working-at-home-in-pyjamas, I'll lose all sense of discipline, and the boundary between working and leisure time will vanish. I need to keep the distinction clear, so I now have a working wardrobe for my new job. I also mixed business with pleasure - I went to the Foodies event on Friday, and on Friday night I went to the Vegware Christmas party. On my own. Knowing no-one there - just the sort of thing I hate doing. It was great. Drank too much and talked all evening, but I have my packaging supplier sorted, and found out about the Edinburgh Chamber of Commerce.

So, today is my first day at work. I'm writing a project plan, then doing proper research into business start-up. This feels amazing. I'm not even going to say it's terrifying anymore - I'm starting something which I've always wanted to do, and it feels wonderful. Although I am now at the end of the plankwalk, and while my fabulous husband tells me the fins below me are porpoises and the flapping birds overhead are not vultures but bluebirds, I'm still not entirely convinced.