Here it is. My fab friend Pauline has been busy designing and assembling the Union website. It's odd - because the whole look and feel of Union has been crystallising slowly in my head for a few months now, I'm utterly familiar with what I want and how I want things to look. Pauline, though, builds websites - "out of concepts and thin air", as she memorably put it, which meant she had to create a webspace which looked like the thing that was only in my head. And get it right. She's done a spectacular job, too. She's captured the clarity and space I like on a website.
It's a work-in-progress at the moment - not Pauline's work-in-progress, though - I want to get pictures of the shop on the site, but if I posted images of the scummy slum which the shop is at the moment, all prospective customers would scarper. Right now, the shop is the perfect 'before' picture. All it lacks is an 'after' - but that's on it's way. The shopfit is imminent, and then Union will emerge green, sleek and gorgeous from the filth and grime. More on the shopfit will follow (a lot more...)
And in other news, I went to a vegware party recently, and met a lovely lady who has just moved to Edinburgh from a few years in Hungary. We got talking soups, surprisingly enough, and today she sent me a recipe for guylas, as cooked by the Hungarians. I made it today, as cooked by a Scottish soupmonger:
and that's going straight onto the Union playlist. Although it leaves me with a bit of a dumpling issue. Leave dumplings in the soup too long, and they go soggy. Leave them out for too long, and they go soggy and stodgy. Extensive dumpling research will have to be carried out, until a solution is found. Oh, the slings and arrows...