Thursday, November 24, 2011

You need mo soup

 Movember is coming to its end and razor blade manufacturers are waiting eagerly. As our bit to help out we're providing soups for Mogasm at The Wee Red Bar on Friday November 25th 7pm onward. As well as donating all the takings we're also providing a Soupon for two (the winner and their mo).

We'll be providing two soups, one of which has been created specially for the event: Mogasmic bacon pump. If you want to know what's in it, you'll have to come and try it for yourself.

There's a good line up. Amy'll be swapping her soupmongering gear for drumming duties in The Alibis. Colin Mcleod - as seen on ITV's Penn and Teller will be there. There's a good strong local music line up and plenty of prizes from other Edinburgh businesses too. So come along and show off your mo in all its glory before the shearing season starts.

And if you don't have a mo, come anyway.