..and nary a blog post. It was a busy month, though, largely spent in a disused basement in Edinburgh's South Side. That, and having sleepless nights fretting. The Geek spotted an empty shop in the perfect location. Thanks to the wonders of the intertubes, the owner of the site was found and located in double-quick time. The shop, it turned out, was already let. The empty basement, however, wasn't. And thus passed March, in a welter of basement visits, talking to surveyors, architects, contractors, before deciding that, perfect location or not, it was just too risky and potentially costly to take it on.
March also saw the end of the soup trials - here's the last week's one, which was sweetfire beetroot with ginger. Delish. And most of the triallists agreed. Which was good.
So, here we are in April, and Union is still a virtual soup cafe.
Thanks to one of those entertainingly random conversations, the suggestion of the Edinburgh Farmers Market was made. One of those weird light-bulb moments because it quite simply hadn't occurred to me to try that route. It's not going to be a source of income - it'll cover costs, is all - but it will be a launch for the business itself and may hopefully lead to more work. And it looks as if it's all going ahead - the Market are keen; so am I; I have all my costs worked out and just have to secure a commercial kitchen. Which, with a fair following wind, I will hopefully have by this time tomorrow.
That same random conversation also suggested savoury muffins. So that was today's session, along with All-Day Breakfast Soup (take 2) - miles better than version 1.0. Savoury muffins. Here's what's left after I had a good tasting:
Mini-muffins with goat's cheese, olives, tomato and red onion. It's a shame it's not a tasting blog, really, as these are pretty good. Immodest but truthful.
So, there's a quick catch-up. Looks like Genius at the Market is about to take flight.
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