Thursday, November 29, 2012

The soup of Ezo the Bride

Oh hi there.

Tomorrow marks the arrival of our third new soup of the week, and one that Elaine’s been dying to make for ages. It’s ‘The Soup of Ezo the Bride’ and it’s bloody delicious.

Sunday, November 25, 2012


Hello soup fans.

This week's bloglette is about Brewlab, on South College Street. Run by chums Dave and Tom, the artisan coffee bar opened at the end of August and has been heaving with coffee-craving clientèle ever since.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Beauty and the Beast

The tip of the wholesale iceberg...
Dear Soup Fan,

As you may have guessed, we soupmongers at Union of Genius have been very busy down the soup mines of late.

Yup, for the last six months we've been making soup like there's no tomorrow. Or rather, like there's a tomorrow where several hundred hungry people, both on your own doorstep and that of six or seven neighbours, are ringing your bell and telling you they need soup.